At Brookside Primary School we offer our pupils a curriculum that is:
broad and balanced and covers the full range of EYFS and National Curriculum subjects
ambitious for our pupils
exciting and enjoyable
coherently planned and sequenced
successfully adapted, designed and developed for all pupils (including pupils with SEND)
We want our pupils to enjoy learning, gain the knowledge and skills to be ready for the next stage of their education, take advantage of opportunities and succeed in life. This development of ‘cultural capital’ will ensure our pupils have the best possible life chances irrespective of their background.
We have high academic ambition for all pupils. We want pupils to achieve the highest level of achievement across all subjects. We do this by ensuring pupils have a deep knowledge and develop a range of skills across all subjects.
Our curriculum is planned, sequenced and taught to ensure there is a logical progression. This enables pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills and builds on what has been taught before and towards clearly defined end points.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that our children have the opportunity to learn and reflect on the British values that underpin our lives. Our British Values statement can be read here.
Our curriculum will also have opportunities for pupils to:
Think creatively (by asking questions, using role play, exploring and investigating resources)
Apply taught skills to real life situations
Ask questions about their learning and pursue these questions.
Direct and personalise their own learning and become independent Learners.
Reflect on and explain their understanding.
Be able to respond to the needs and feelings of others with tolerance and respect.
Be confident and effective communicators.
Be able to work alongside peers in a co-operative manner.
Believe in themselves and their abilities and aim high.
Develop and be confident in applying life skills.
Reflect and evaluate and adapt their own work and the work of others.
Have an array of research/investigative skills to allow independent discovery.
Develop the confidence to solve problems and take risks independently and collaboratively.
Enjoy and achieve, be healthy, stay safe, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
Long Term Plans
We follow a two year cycle: in 2024/2025 Cycle A and in 2025/2026 Cycle B.
At Brookside children have a daily phonics session from Early Years until Year 2. Any pupils who need additional phonics in KS2 receive this daily.
We use the Read Write Inc. scheme to support our phonics teaching. For more information on the Read Write Inc. scheme please visit the Oxford University Press website.
How Read Write Inc. works - a parent/carer's guide video
What to expect in EYFS - guide for parents
Recommended Reading Lists
These lists have been compiled by staff at Brookside of books we think children will enjoy.